Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Online Payment Gateway in India – Convenience Blended with Reliability

The online payment gateway in India has made payment against products and services purchased very easy and a process of least time-consuming experience. This in resultant consequence of making payment an easy experience for customers has invariably affected the business patterns of merchants nationally and internationally. The term “internationally” is stated because customers from other part of the world also become one of the fortunate beneficiaries to experience ease and convenience of online payment gateway in India against certain merchandising.
What involves with online payment gateway in India?
To say in the least narrative version, this names as a process of facilitating online payment safely and in a matter of great confidentiality whereby customer’s personal information about debit cards, credit cards and other payment means is maintained under absolute secrecy. Followed by a merchant’s willing acceptance of bank accounts, debit card or credit cards through the system of online payment gateway has logically augmented the growth of business as well as resultant upturn in the reliability and trust of the system.
What exactly involves with the online payment gateway in India is a very simple yet very reliable way of accepting payment from customers and delivering the received payment to the concerned merchant. Meanwhile, acceptance or decline of the payment is entirely subject to the nature of information supplied by the customers. The situation of payment decline is also experienced owing to browser related issue from the customer’s side or some technical issues at the end of recipient. However, the long and short of the payment gateway system is offering an ease of facility with regards to making payment regardless of location that a customer may hail from.
Is online payment gateway in India reliable?
The experience of reliability comes through a person’s satisfactory outcome from the whole business of virtual payment entryway structure. In the resultant consequence of the structure being dis-satisfactory, the person doubts making further payment using the particular source. However, the long-term existence of companies acting as a third party payment entryway promising fealty and confidentiality to both the customers and the merchants clearly indicates that the system of virtual payment doorway is reliable and very authenticated provided that you have chosen a reputed gateway payment source.
How to choose reliable payment gateway source?
When it comes to using online payment doorway in India, do not forget to ensure about the reputation of the website prompting you make an attempt of your payment. Always consider this from the point of your own safety about your personal information about your credit card or debit card because at the time of making payment you are almost confiding your “must be secret” information about your payment means to a third party.
Piece of advice
Do not be fooled by the third party gateway system until you are convinced after studying all the reliable sources supporting its relevance and trustworthiness. This is to your own safety and benefit to avoid any unsavory consequence later. You are also advised to run few searches in Google or in your favorite search engine and read the available information to help yourself reach at a conclusive decision in this regard.
Follow Payment Technologies for more updates. Thanks for reading

How to keep up a payment gateway database performance high for fast user experience and fast transactions

If database of a payment gateway is slow then user experience will also be slow and would lead to low transaction success rate, it will have cascading effect for example when a page is taking time in loading then user will press back/refresh button and then it would lead to a failed transaction. A loss to the payment gateway and merchant both.

As a developer you know that computing powers/processors have got very powerful but input/output has not got such powers and speed, and slow input output becomes reason of poor performance many a times.

Your database system can kill you when, may not deliver the performance you want, it can be a database for which hackers will thank you, or its stored procedures logic can break when you make certain mistakes.  There can be many mistakes, but common of them are:

  1. Coupled database schema: When database schema is too coupled, there will be many foreign keys and other constraints, leading to complexity and hence to poor performance. An open advice in this matter can be KISS” -  Keep it simple stupid

  2. Many transactions table: If you have many tables storing transactions, like for one application service request if your database is storing information in many tables, two or three tables should be enough

  3. Loose security: When you do not have different users for different roles and privileges, and you are using one or two admin account for all database operations, you have kept welcome door open for hackers to exploit you. If your database has critically important information, then it is better to keep it under a firewall as an offline machine. One should also take care of SQL injection at application layer

  4. Multiple read/write operations in a service call: If while serving one online request you are hitting your database multiple times, for example you are performing multiple read/writes to display a page or providing response to a service request. Try to keep minimum back and forth between database and application

  5. No caching: if you are not using any caching mechanism to access (static) information from database, you can be overheating your database system

  6. Low network bandwidth or low speed or low IOPS between application server and database server could be another reason to watch for. Check your limits and see how much bandwidth you are consuming, check what are the peaks.

Concluding piece of advice can be, “Your database is not yours, its database of your clients, do allow them to use it, and do not allow hackers to enjoy it”

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Online payment transaction failure is a business loss. See how you can eliminate the loss by doing a robust payment gateway integration

Failure of eCommerce transaction is a direct sales loss to online merchants. An eCommerce transaction can fail for many reasons, but I want to talk about the reasons which can technically be controlled by merchant and payment gateway both. Let us try to brief the reasons
  1. Poor integration of merchant eCommerce platform with payment gateway: A merchant eCommerce platform integration with payment gateway may have following kind of issues
    • Integration not tested for different use cases before going in production
    • Merchant eCommerce application sending invalid data to payment gateway in a transaction, for example a negative amount in an sale transaction
    • Unable to handle a timeout in response from payment gateway. If payment gateway allows merchant should try a status inquiry request with payment gateway

  2. When merchant web application is on HTTP. In this case when payment gateway will be redirecting customer web browser to merchant website, then there may be a warning from secure to non-secure zone and all customers may not be able to handle it properly.

  3. A payment gateway should also be flexible in providing more space to merchant. Like maximum length and allowed characters in customer address field should be sufficient to handle rare cases, payment gateway should be able to handle UTF-8 strings in such cases.

  4. Poor network bandwidth of merchant web application server

  5. Merchant/payment gateway processing many information fields as mandatory, when that part of information can be processed as optional. More are the information fields in process, more is the complexity and chances of bugs.
Click to See Right Payment Gateway Messaging Format for a Payment Gateway Integration for details on messaging format. Thanks for reading

Potential Micro-Services in a Payment Gateway

This post is particularly important for you if you want to: Do technology transformation to break a monolith payment solution to micoservi...